The Township of Abington's Board of Commissioners shall hold a special meeting for the purpose of ratifying and approving the Declaration of Disaster and Emergency declared by President John Spiegelman and approving and extending the State of Emergency and Disaster Declaration for a period of up to thirty (30) days from even date, Monday, March 23, 2020, effective immediately. This public meeting will be held as a teleconference as provided by 35 Pa.C.S. § 7501(d), and all interested parties are invited to participate. The meeting format is in response to the Governor's Directive and recommendation of local, county, and state officials to limit in-person contact to reduce the potential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Residents who wish to provide public comments during the meeting will be able to do so when the Board President calls for public comment. The following steps will need to be taken by the resident to provide his or her comments:
When the President calls for public comment, please enter star-nine (*9) on your device to notify the administrator of your intention to give comments.
- When it is your opportunity to provide comments, the Board President will identify the last four digits of your phone number by reading them aloud. When your identifying number is read, please unmute your microphone. If your microphone was muted by the administrator, it will be unmuted at this time.
- Each speaker must abide by the public participation rules of the Township. The Township's public participation rules can be viewed by clicking here.
- Each speaker must provide their first and last name and confirm they are a resident of Abington Township for the public record before beginning their comments.
- Each speaker will be provided three minutes for comments.
- When the speaker is finished with their comments or exceeds the speaking time, the microphone will be muted, and the next identification number will be read.
Please note, that as this is the first meeting the Township will be conducting in this manner, we respectfully request your patience. We will work during the meeting to resolve any immediate or unforeseen issues and are continuously evaluating the meeting format to meet the needs of our community. The meeting will be recorded and uploaded to
Meeting Information:
- Meeting Date: March 23, 2020
- Meeting Time: 3:00 PM
- Meeting telephone number: 1-929-436-2866
- Meeting ID number (to be entered when prompted): 947-048-840